Client Search Filters (Needs a filter)
Carlos Ramirez
We're now working on a key update to the Clients tab, which will make it much easier to see which of your clients have started using the Policyholder App, as well as follow up & invite those who haven't. Stay tuned for more updates here!
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William Laubach
Would be nice to be able to filter by location, app user or not, by Agent etc..
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Easier way to see new users
Holly Linder
Loving the clients tab but can it be built or filtered so we see actual new app downloads vs new customers in our AMS?
I love this idea, Holly! Yep, we're currently looking at offering all kinds of ways to filter your Client Search results, and really drill down into the specific folks you're interested in - the source of the Client (i.e. whether they came from your AMS data or a GloveBox app download) is another one that makes total sense.
under review
Thanks JC! We're actually discussing this exact update to help you filter down your search results, or see groups of clients with specific characteristics. Great minds! :)
J.C. Wogomon
Also, a way to tell who's not just connected to the application but who's actually connected and synched with the carriers.
J.C. Wogomon: You can currently do this for individual clients, by looking at their profile (see attached screenshot).
So you're saying you'd like to be able to view this info from the Search Results page too, and/or filter your clients list by their carrier connections, correct?
J.C. Wogomon
Jason: yea, I want to be able, at a quick glance, see someone’s status with the app. Here’s a use case. Someone calls or emails the office. I want to QUICKLY Be able to find that customer by name and see their connection status. A) have they linked their phone# or email to our agency, and B) have they connected to the carrier. I envision a stop light type indicator. Red-havent connected at all, Yellow-have connecting but not logged into the carrier, Green-fully connected and integrated with carrier.
I could see some value in being able to determine what % of customers that are with a certain carrier that have fully connected, or partially connected.
Just brainstorming here, but that’s what comes to the top of my mind.
J.C. Wogomon: Got it - yes, we already show whether the client has verified/not verified their GloveBox account on the new "Clients" tab (it's currently in Beta - check it out!)
Totally hear you on the need to see groups of clients with common traits matching your filters (unconnected Carriers, unverified accounts, etc.). Watch this space... :)